Insight #icare….Random Acts of Kindness!

Dr. Diana Balcarras Berg, B.Sc., O.D.

Did you know that February is the month chosen to specifically encourage people to do random acts of kindness to one another?! What an incredible movement to show generosity to others. This month at Insight Eye Care we have decided that we want to participate in doing random acts of kindness throughout the month of February. Each staff member was given some money and the instructions to go and show generosity and kindness in our community. I am SO proud to work at an office where our culture focuses on generously caring for others and putting people first. We are not just eye care...we are #icare.

So, I was given this mission to do a random act of kindness. I wanted to make it count. I thought about some of the “everyday” tasks that people don’t always enjoy and how I could help. For myself, doing grocery shopping is one of those tasks. It is a necessary task, but not one that is particularly fun for me.

What a grocery shopping day looks like for me:

  • Tell kids we are “going on an adventure” (this is my way of getting them excited about groceries)

  • Buckle kids into the car seats

  • Find a parking spot that is close to the carts (but not too far from the door)

  • Unbuckle the kids

  • Put the kids into the shopping cart

  • Give them a snack

  • Rush to get through the shopping list before they finish their snack

  • Stand in line to pay and hope child doesn’t crawl onto conveyor belt

  • Load up car

  • Buckle in kids

  • Go home.

Phewf! And all of this to do something that isn’t exactly a “fun” way to spend money. Wouldn’t it be such a treat to have have your groceries paid for after all the effort that goes into grocery shopping with your kids? So, I found my mission: to find a mom grocery shopping with her kids and pay for her groceries.

Can you even see my son around all the groceries?!??!

Well, my mission was a success. I was able to buy groceries for two different moms who were shopping with their kids. They were bewildered as they graciously accepted my offer to buy their groceries. They were shocked that this was happening to them and also very thankful. One mom said, “Really? You want to do this...for me? Seriously, you work at a place that encourages their employees to do this? Wow!”

Throughout the next few weeks we hope to share more stories from our staff and doctors of how they are showing random acts of kindness in our community! Stay tuned.

About the author: Dr. Diana Balcarras Berg graduated in 2009 and has experience in private practice eye care and is also a clinical instructor at the University of Waterloo School of Optometry. Her special interests include family eye care and education. Feel free to call Insight Eye Care at 519-885-2020 to book your family’s eye exams with Dr. Balcarras Berg. Evening and after-school appointments are available.


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